Indian Astrological Consultations: Predictions & Remedies

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In this option you have chosen to pay the consultation charges in our ICICI bank account

Our ICICI bank details

Personal Details

Sex* Male Female
Marital Status* Profession*

Birth Details

Date of Birth*
Time of Birth* This is 24 hour format. Example: If birth time is 7 AM in the morning enter Hour as 7 and if birth time is 7 PM in the evening enter hour as 19
Birth Country*
Birth City*    Birth State*
If your birth place is not known then please mention below the nearest city or town.
Nearest Place*

Present Residence Details

City    State
Your Email ID*
Alternate Email ID
Question Number 1*
Question Number 2*
Your Comments if any
Our ICICI bank details | Please provide ICICI bank payment details: Bank fund transfer / cheque payment below *
Payment details ICICI
Terms & Conditions
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions mentioned therein


  1. Predictions will be sent by email within seven days of receipt of payment. Any error is form submission will be communicated through e-mail and response time will start again.

  2. For your satisfaction you can call back a max of two times to discuss any issue related to your questions only.