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“Dream of children sweet and fair,
to you will come suave debonair,
fortune robed in shining dress,
Bearing wealth and happiness.”
To dream of seeing many beautiful children is portentous of great prosperity and blessings.
For a mother to dream of seeing her child sick from slight cause, she may see it enjoying robust health, but trifles of another nature may harass her.
To see children working or studying, denotes peaceful times and general prosperity.
To dream of seeing your child desperately ill or dead, you have much to fear, for its welfare is sadly threatened.
To dream of your dead child, denotes worry and disappointment in the near future.
To dream of seeing disappointed children, denotes trouble from enemies, and anxious forebodings from underhanded work of seemingly friendly people.
To romp and play with children, denotes that all your speculating and love enterprises will prevail.
To dream of Christmas chimes, denotes fair prospects for business men and farmers.
For the young, happy anticipations fulfilled. Ordinary chimes, denotes some small anxiety will soon be displaced by news of distant friends.
To dream of seeing chimneys, denotes a very displeasing incident will occur in your life. Hasty intelligence of sickness will be borne you. A tumble down chimney, denotes sorrow and likely death in your family. To see one overgrown with ivy or other vines, foretells that happiness will result from sorrow or loss of relatives.
To see a fire burning in a chimney, denotes much good is approaching you. To hide in a chimney corner, denotes distress and doubt will assail you. Business will appear gloomy.
For a young woman to dream that she is going down a chimney, foretells she will be guilty of some impropriety which will cause consternation among her associates. To ascend a chimney, shows that she will escape trouble which will be planned for her.
For a woman to dream of painting or arranging her china, foretells she will have a pleasant home and be a thrifty and economical matron.
China Store
For a china merchant to dream that his store looks empty, foretells he will have reverses in his business, and withal a gloomy period will follow.
Also See Crockery.
To dream of chocolate, denotes you will provide abundantly for those who are dependent on you. To see chocolate candy, indicates agreeable companions and employments. If sour, illness or other disappointments will follow. To drink chocolate, foretells you will prosper after a short period of unfavorable reverses.
To dream of a choir, foretells you may expect cheerful surroundings to replace gloom and discontent. For a young woman to sing in a choir, denotes she will be miserable over the attention paid others by her lover.
To dream of this dread disease devastating the country, portends sickness of virulent type will rage and many disappointments will follow.
To dream that you are attacked by it, denotes your own sickness.
To dream of beholding Christ, the young child, worshiped by the wise men, denotes many peaceful days, full of wealth and knowledge, abundant with joy, and content.
If in the garden of the Gethsemane, sorrowing adversity will fill your soul, great longings for change and absent objects of love will be felt.
To see him in the temple scourging the traders, denotes that evil enemies will be defeated and honest endeavors will prevail.
Christmas Tree
To dream of a Christmas tree, denotes joyful occasions and auspicious fortune. To see one dismantled, foretells some painful incident will follow occasions of festivity.
To dream that you gather white chrysanthemums, signifies loss and much perplexity; colored ones, betokens pleasant engagements.
To see them in bouquets, denotes that love will be offered you, but a foolish ambition will cause you to put it aside. To pass down an avenue of white chrysanthemums, with here and there a yellow one showing among the white, foretells a strange sense of loss and sadness, from which the sensibilities will expand and take on new powers. While looking on these white flowers as you pass, and you suddenly feel your spirit leave your body and a voice shouts aloud “Glory to God, my Creator,” foretells that a crisis is pending in your near future. If some of your friends pass out, and others take up true ideas in connection with spiritual and earthly needs, you will enjoy life in its deepest meaning. Often death is near you in these dreams.
To dream of seeing a church in the distance, denotes disappointment in pleasures long anticipated.
To enter one wrapt in gloom, you will participate in a funeral. Dull prospects of better times are portended.
To dream of walking in a churchyard, if in winter, denotes that you are to have a long and bitter struggle with poverty, and you will reside far from the home of your childhood, and friends will be separated from you; but if you see the signs of springtime, you will walk up in into pleasant places and enjoy the society of friends.
For lovers to dream of being in a churchyard means they will never marry each other, but will see others fill their places.
To dream of churning, you will have difficult tasks set you, but by diligence and industry you will accomplish them and be very prosperous. To the farmer, it denotes profit from a plenteous harvest; to a young woman, it denotes a thrifty and energetic husband.
To dream of cider, denotes fortune may be won by you if your time is not squandered upon material pleasure. To see people drinking it, you will be under the influence of unfaithful friends.
To dream of reading cipher, indicates that you are interested in literary researches, and by constant study you will become well acquainted with the habits and lives of the ancients.
To dream of a circle, denotes that your affairs will deceive you in their proportions of gain. For a young woman to dream of a circle, warns her of indiscreet involvement to the exclusion of marriage.
Cistern To dream of a cistern, denotes you are in danger of trespassing upon the pleasures and rights of your friends. To draw from one, foretells that you will enlarge in your pastime and enjoyment in a manner which may be questioned by propriety.
To see an empty one, foretells despairing change from happiness to sorrow.
To dream that you are in a strange city, denotes you will have sorrowful occasion to change your abode or mode of living.
City Council
To dream of a city council, foretells that your interests will clash with public institutions and there will be discouraging outlooks for you.
City Hall
To dream of a city hall, denotes contentions and threatened law suits.
To a young woman this dream is a foreboding of unhappy estrangement from her lover by her failure to keep virtue inviolate.
To dream of clams, denotes you will have dealings with an obstinate but honest person. To eat them, foretells you will enjoy another’s prosperity.
For a young woman to dream of eating baked clams with her sweetheart, foretells that she will enjoy his money as well as his confidence.