Number five: Name Characteristics

Power of Numbers : Number Five – Mercury

Persons born on 5, 14, and 23  in any month

Number 5 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Name number 5

Any person having his name that sums up to number 5 will have fame and popularity. He will be full of confidence and determination. He will have great wealth. He will be innovative.

Name number 14

These people have magnetic communication through writing, publishing and media related matters. They will excel in fields of business and manufacturing industry. They will always be traveling. They will struggle while young and will become successful later on in life.

Name number 23

This number promises success in personal and career endeavours. It guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It is a fortunate number and greatly blesses with abundant grace. These persons can work out revolutions in politics. They will succeed in the field of arts.

Name number 32

Persons having name on this number enjoy mass support. They are wonderful creators. They have magnetic speech. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions. They will become successful if they listen to their own conscience. They will meet failure if they listen to the words of others.

Name number 41

They have sharp intelligence. They have the ability to exert authority over people. They will achieve great fame and success in competitions. Great offices will seek them and they will live a prosperous life with an un diminishing fame. They will excel in sciences and arts. They can easily adept in meditation, yoga and hypnotism.

Similarly other name numbers like 59, 68, 77; 86, 95 and 104 have their respective characteristics.

Number 5 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Number four: Name Characteristics

Power of Numbers : Number Four – Rahu [Uranus]

Persons born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 in any month

Number 4 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Now here are some of the characteristics of persons who are ruled by rahu and number 4. Those whose name sums up to number 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49 and so on.

Name number 4

Person having name number 4 will have hard luck as there will be no returns of whatever hard work done and labor spent. As a result abilities of the person will not yield. He may face mental afflictions. Patience and tolerance are very necessary for these persons whose name sums up to number 4.

Name number 13

Actually some persons having name number 13 will enjoy prosperous life but still they may be surrounded by confusion and uninterrupted sorrows. Actually 13 is a number of upheaval, so that new ground may be broken. It is associated with power which if used for selfish purpose will bring destruction upon itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected.

Name number 22

Persons having name number 22 will attract the evil much quicker than the good. It will steer the powers of mind into evil paths like gambling, speculative activities, horse race, betting, alcoholism etc. They will lose all their wealth due to bad friends or immoral women. They may be involved in judicial cases. Name on this number should be avoided.

Name number 31

Having name on this number can make a person self contained, self sufficient, lonely, and isolated from others. These persons are experts in arts. They are greatly interested in spirituality. They will not be carried away by the happiness at their own success. They will establish the principles of justice.

Name number 40

These persons will have sharp intelligence. They will enjoy unexpected income of money. This number indicates success. Person having this number will enjoy success and fame in his life. He will have good wealth and property. They are daring and self confident. They can excel in agricultural or farm related professions.

Similarly persons whose name number sums up to 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 103 and 112 have different characteristics after having their names on these numbers.

Number 4 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Number three: Name Characteristics

Power of Numbers : Number three – the Jupiter

Persons born on 3, 12, 21, and 30 in any month

Number 3 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Number 3 persons can remove unnecessary hurdles in their life by making their name on favourable number.

Name number 3

This is a spiritual number, persons whose name number sums up to 3 will be spiritually inclined and intelligent persons. They will achieve good qualifications.

Name number 12

Having named number 12, a person will have the capability to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. He will always work for the welfare of others. But sometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental anguish creates amnesia. Rather than being emotional, these persons should pay more attention to education and intellect as it will pave way to success.

Name number 21

Person whose name sums up to 21 will have general success and guarantees advancement, honors, awards and general elevation in the life and career. It gives success after long struggle. The beginning of life will be full of struggles. The later part of life is full of luck.

Name number 30

Persons whose name sums up to 30 will be full of imagination. They will have thoughtful deduction and mental superiority over others. This number is neither fortunate nor unfortunate. They won’t be interested to earn money and wealth. Even if there is no profit, they will undertake some difficult jobs for the sake of mental satisfaction.

Name number 39

These persons will work for the welfare of others. They may face health problems specially skin problems. They will struggle in their youth days and will have success after lots of hardships in later part of their life. But they are good natured and that they can go up to any extent to do good for their friends and relatives.

Name number 48

They will succeed in the face of any number of trials and tribulations. They will take up assignments beyond their abilities. They will work for the welfare of others. Fate will always play an adverse role in their lives. Success will be very late in their life.

Similarly name numbers 57, 66, 75, 84, 93, 102 have different meanings.

Number 3 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature