Number four: lucky colours | gems | dates & signature

Power of Numbers : Number Four – Rahu [Uranus]

Persons born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 in any month

Number 4 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Lucky dates

Number 4 persons should do anything in their life on 1, 10, 19 dates to achieve success in important things. if the total of date, month and year is 1 and 5 then it will also be lucky for them. But they should avoid 8, 17, 26, 28, 4, 13, 22, 31, 7, 16, 25 dates. These dates will not suit them for good causes and new endeavours.

Lucky colours

Persons influenced by Rahu should wear pale blue, sky blue, yellow, gold colours. They should ensure that all lucky colours are there in their house, office, cars, vehicles, pens, visiting cards, dress and all other things they use in their day today life. They should avoid black, coffee brown and all dark colours. They may prove unlucky for number 4 persons.

Lucky gem

Gomed or power of the birth or sum number. They should keep their name on 1, 5 and 6 numbers. Sardonic is the lucky gem for number 4 person as it will give him peace of mind and success in his endeavours. Also opal will be lucky for number 4 persons. Details given in gems.

Lucky signature

Your signature should slant upwards and should not be less than 4 cm. Also after half the signature there should be an underline.


They will suffer mental affliction, problems in stomach and intestines, weakness of nerves, body pain, digestion problem and depression.

Lucky name is devised after analyzing both birth number and sum number.

Number 4 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Number three: lucky colours | gems | dates & signature

Power of Numbers : Number three – the Jupiter

Persons born on 3, 12, 21, and 30 in any month

Number 3 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Lucky dates

Number 3 persons should do anything important on dates 3, 12, 21, 30, 9, 18, 27. These dates are sure to bring success to them. They should avoid making important things on 6, 15 and 24 as these dates indicate confusion, unnecessary wandering, difficulties and hurdles.

Lucky colours

Yellow, sandal, gold, orange, violet, pale blue and pale red are lucky colures to number 3 persons. But they should avoid green, black, brown, dark colour and dark blue colours.

Suitable and lucky gem

Yellow sapphire or topaz is the stone of number 3 persons. Consult gems part as details are given in that part. Emithist is also suitable gem for them as it will avoid accidents, cure alcoholism and other addictions and gives peace of mind.

Lucky signature

Number 3 persons should start their signature clockwise and it should slant upwards. Signature should be longer than 3 cm.

Special advice to change name

Only after careful study of birth number, sum number, planetary motion of sun and mercury name number is devised.

Number 3 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Number two: lucky colours | gems | dates & signature

Power of Numbers : Number two – the moon

Persons born on 2, 11, 20, and 29 in any month

Number 2 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Lucky dates

1, 10, 19, 28 are lucky dates for persons of number 2. Again 2, 11, 20 and 29 are moderate for them. But 7, 16, 25 are good for advancement in business and profession. But they should totally avoid undertaking important endeavours on 8, 17, 26, 9, 18, 27. If the total of date, month and year being 1 will be lucky for number 2 but it will unlucky if the total is 8 and 9.

Lucky colours

Green, yellow, gold, white with green, dark green are lucky colours for number 2 persons. But they should avoid black, coffee, red, coffee brown and other dark colour.

Lucky gem

Pearl is the lucky gem for number 2 persons. Details are given in gems.

Lucky signature

The signature should slant upwards and length of signature should be from 4 cm to 6 cm. The signature should begin at a point, turn clockwise and slant upwards.

Number 2 persons should not have name in number 2. Number 2 is influenced by moon and as moon waxes for fifteen days and wanes for 15 days, so there will be ups and downs in the native’s life. Number 2 persons should have their names on lucky numbers 1, 5, 3 and 6. But they should avoid their name on 2, 4, 8 and 9. If the birth number is not lucky then name should be devised on the sum number. And suppose you choose 1 as your name number then status of planets associated with it should be taken into account. For example you choose 46 then status of Rahu and Venus should be taken into account. And if you choose 37 as your lucky number then the status of Ketu and Jupiter should be taken into account.

Number 2 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature