Power of Numbers | Number 8 | Saturn | Name Characteristics

Persons born on 8, 17, and 26  in any month

Number 8 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Here are characteristics of name numbers of persons whose name sums up to 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 98

Name number 8

 Persons whose name sums up to 8 have no family or domestic life. most of these persons are sanyasis. They will meet accidents and dangers. They will have success after great struggle.

Name number 17

Person having name number 17 will rise superior in spirit to trials and difficulties of earlier life. they will lose many times and have success less times. They will be strong enough to withstand all the troubles in life. they will get great offices and appreciation. The later part of their life will bring fame to them.

Name number 26

26 number is full of contradictions. It warns of dangers disappointments, failure and unhappy partnerships. Persons whose name sums up to number 26 are debtors. Their business will be crippled because of indirect enemies. They will not have lasting friends. They will have lasting confusion in their life.

Name number 35

Their expenses are more than their income. they will climb and fall down in their life. they will find it very difficult to save their face when they lose. They will have to face litigations in their respective lives. They will have bad health.

Name number 44

They will have fertile thoughts and will earn through arts. But some number 44 persons may bring shame to themselves due to bad deeds. They may be punished by government for bad deeds. They will have stomach, nervous and physical problems. they are benefited in steel, oil, chemicals and vehicles. But business may be crippled due to natural reasons.

Name number 53

They will meet many failures before they could achieve success in their life. they will often be troubled by sadness in their life. business and domestic partnerships are not good for those whose name sums up to number 53. there will be no personal development in life. the number gives success after great troubles. Anything related to public service will prove good for them.

Similarly there are characteristics of persons whose name sums up to 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107 and 116.

Number 8 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature