Power of Numbers : Number Seven – Ketu

Persons born on 7, 16, and 25  in any month

Number 7 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

Here I am describing the characteristics of persons whose names sums up to 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52 etc 

Name number 7 Persons whose name sums up to 7 will have fixed goal in life. they will enjoy public support. But their family life will not be good and they will have no pleasure in family life. they will have frequent changes in life.

Name number 16

Persons whose name sums up to 16 will have fast development in life and also they will have quick fall. Thoughts different from the ordinary will be occurring in the mind. They will have evil thoughts and evil imaginations. They are the persons who have thoughts that will ultimately harm the society.

Name number 25

Persons whose name sums up to 25 will have worldly success by learning through experience. Its strength comes from overcoming disappointments in early life and possessing the rare quality of learning from past mistakes. This number gives success in business or profession or family after considerable struggle.

Name number 34

Persons having name number 34 will have extra marital affairs and they will have desire to spend money for sexual indulgence and other pleasures. They will have money through various sources but they will spend extravagantly. They will have confused family life.

Name number 43

This is an unfortunate name number. Persons having names on this number should make amendments in their spellings to make their name fortunate. Actually these persons are of infirm mind. They will keep changing their business and profession. Some persons deeds will yield ultimate success but others life will be full of sufferings.

Name number 52

Persons having name on this number will have comfortable life in their youth but they will face more difficulties as they grow old. They will observe spiritual practices fastidiously. They will plan their activities and succeed. They are revolutionary and will achieve world renown. But their domestic life will be full of confusion.

Similarly those persons whose name sums up to 61, 70. 79, 88, 97, 106, 115 have different characteristics.

Number 7 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature