Power of Numbers : Number two – the moon

Persons born on 2, 11, 20, and 29 in any month

Number 2 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature

The moon waxes and wanes. New moon is dark and full moon is bright. In the same way there are always contrary aspects in persons related to number 2. The moon is the lord of body and the mind. People influenced by moon have tremendous mind power. They will be enthusiastic, imaginative and researching. Their minds are extremely active. They will always function at the rational level. Their mind always gives rise to new ideas. They can accomplish with a natural ease such deeds which are otherwise difficult for many.

Actually more the human it is the divine strength that bestows benefits on persons of number 2. But it is necessary for number 2 persons to be more spiritual or to enhance their spiritual powers only then they self confident. Because number 2 people being active in mind and knowledgeable, have less confidence on itself as well as on others. They will lack enough self confidence. They will not entrust even minor matters with others. They will be satisfied only when they themselves take up and complete a job. At times they will subject to confusion and loss of self confidence. They will worry themselves over matters of no significance or relevance. They will always be under the influence of suspicion. Though they speak very bravely, they will always nurture a sort of fear within. They can accomplish great deeds if they are able to control their minds.

There are those number 2 persons who speak only truth but there are those number 2 persons who speak only lies and make living of it. Number 2 people have infirm mind. Their minds keep changing according to situations. As number 2 persons are influenced by the dress, gait, habits and bearing of their colleagues, friends and relatives and all those all around so parents who beget children influenced by number 2 bring them up with extra care. There is need of good formation and devotion of god is to be cultivated in them.

Numbers 2 people give good advice to others but when they begin something of their own, they will always be confused. There will be occasions when they become very lazy. Their mental abilities are more than their physical activities. They will have explicit friendship and hidden enmity. They can become good politicians and great leaders. They have to control their unnecessary fears. Only then they can realize their wishes. They will be greatly afraid of failures and difficulties in life. Even at times when they get fail successively in their endeavors, they will contemplate on suicide.

Number 2 people may live a mediocre life while young; they will live a good wealthy life after adolescence. They will have no dearth of wealth, position and fame. They will have to cultivate will power and self confidence to become successful in life. If they act with confidence, they can easily achieve great success. They can amass wealth through the exercise of their imagination. Poets, writers, famous actors, photographers, cinematographers and cinema directors are born under the influence of number 2.


They will get attracted by studies in law, scriptures and epics. They will shine in the professions like law, public speech and singing thus making money out of public performances. We can say number 2 people are king of arts. They will shine in areas like cinema, drama, dance, composing an epic, painting and music. Any undertaking on which they concentrate their faculties will yield great results. As moon is a watery planet so number 2 persons should involve themselves in business related to water. That is business related to making coffee, tea, dairy, ice cream, cold drinks, chemicals involving liquids, acids and paints.

They can also make money dealing in artifacts. Selling fancy items, manufacturing water solvents, dresses and jewellery particularly perfumes, gems, jewels, business related to pearl, diamonds, coral that attract women will bring them great profits. They can do well in clothing, flowers, beauty lotions, photo studio, organizing music and dance festivals, producing films. They can be good at media as media programmers, in radio and lawyers.

Again number 2 people sometimes do not beget children quickly but after delays ultimately they beget children. Also as number 2 people will grow old the standard of their living will reach great heights. Need for number 2 persons are to have full confidence in themselves and on others then they can develop to heights very easily. They should try to have firm mind and they should learn to give and take. People influenced by number 2 should device lucky name with lucky suitable letters according to their birth date. After this they may see great development in their life and they will become famous and influential. People who are less influenced by moon will have evil thoughts, will have ill reputation in society and will make money by cheating others.

They will not have permanent source of income. Again number 2 people will have confused married life. Early part of their married life is not good but they develop with the passage of time. They can resolve domestic differences with the help of their intelligence.

Number 2 | Name Characteristics | Lucky colours, gems, dates and signature